"As a leader, I realized that while the sky seemed dark, daunting, and uncertain, it also held brilliant displays of light representing innumerable opportunities for growth."
Welcome Leaders...

I know disruption in today's organizations can feel overwhelming at times.
Creating it presents new opportunities. Reacting to it is necessary for survival. At the same time, growing customer expectations place increasing demands on operations. Studies show the workforce is significantly disengaged. Now, add a host of other factors, including evolving technology, the "silver tsunami," and post-COVID workplaces. Organizations run at full speed in pursuit of "results" but often forget about nurturing the humanity in business. Leading in this complexity is a formidable task fraught with murkiness and ambiguity.
However, challenging times can also reveal countless possibilities for propelling us forward. I believe effective leadership should create a positive, sustainable impact on the lives it touches. Many of you are deeply committed to this belief, too, but the path forward isn't always apparent. With that in mind, I started this company to help executives and senior leaders build healthier, better performing organizations that thrive in the face of disruption, transformation, and change.
Leadership is now a connective, multi-disciplinary art form with no definitive road map.
It requires a holistic perspective, an empathetic orientation, an ability to meaningfully engage people, and a reliable compass to discover and navigate a path forward. We'd love to help you find the peace of mind that comes from simplicity, clarity, and alignment. Let's explore what we can do together to help you honor organizational health while also achieving your desired business results.

Identifying Opportunities and Challenges

Thriving organizations function as a single, integrated system. To help in working toward that aspiration, explore some common areas where roadblocks can appear. If you recognize your challenge(s) here, click to connect to our services.

Engaging Our Services
You already have much of what you need to thrive. You may just need a little help from a trusted partner to see it and pull it all together. We help you simplify, clarify, and align so you can recognize a path and then guide you along to achieve measurable results.
Creating disruption or reacting to it requires a strategy for winning, tactical plans to bridge from strategy to action, and aligned, coordinated effort that harnesses existing organizational talents and energies. We can guide you through all or part of this cycle to bring your strategy to life.

Strategy Development
A common myth is that a "strategic plan" is a strategy. It's not. Organizations can create disruption or react to it. Either way, thriving demands clarity. Many organizations are "playing to play." Some are "playing to win." Which one are you? We help you define your aspirations, articulate your assumptions, make choices, identify your existing assets, and recognize your gaps so that you can position yourself to succeed in your market.

Transformation Planning
Translating strategy into tangible action is the gateway to harnessing existing organizational resources. By creating transformation plans that integrate multiple, key components, you can maintain organizational health AND deliver business results. You can't address them all at once, so where do you start? Using our holistic Healthy Performance Framework, we guide you in effectively engaging your resources to figure it out. We believe energy and expertise resides in your system. It's eager to be unleashed. We help you see and build on your strengths, combining them in creative, resourceful ways to move you toward your aspiration.

Bringing your strategy to life requires coordinated action. While it's great to have a holistic plan, many plans fail as a result of poor execution. To thrive, organizations need engaged employees who choose to go where you want to go. We help you tap into existing energy by creating suitable conditions to ignite adoption and enable proficient use of the new ways of working. In addition, we help you leverage visibility and transparency so that everyone can see progress.
Leadership Engagement & Development
The privilege of leading involves practicing good stewardship. Our holistic approach considers individual, team, and organization-wide alignment. We help people in, or aspiring to, higher-level leadership roles create healthy conditions within themselves, their team, and their organization so that each can thrive.

Executive Engagement
For individual growth:
C-suite and senior leadership roles
Leading can seem like a lonely endeavor in today's dynamic environment. Through no fault of your own, you may move into an executive or senior leadership role with a limited perspective on the vital competencies needed to thrive in disruption. Do you overfunction? Do you lack executive capacity? Are you practicing good stewardship of your role? Do you lack skill or comfort in effectively engaging employees? Faciliating dialogue? Managing conflict effectively? Modeling the way? Providing effective sponsorship? Do you have the support you want? As your trusted partner, we stand in the trenches right beside you. We'll help you recognize your strengths, identify growth opportunities, and develop your capacity in vital transformation skill areas.
"Rob is very good at helping the leaders he works with to explore their blind spots and confront the sometimes-uncomfortable challenges that we must overcome on our way to being better leaders of change. Rob is just damn insightful and fearless. I have both admired and experienced first-hand his ability to deliver transformational results."
Curt Topper
Chief Financial Officer,
Muhlenberg College

Leadership Team Engagement
For team growth:
C-suite and senior leadership roles
Does your team walk its talk in the eyes of employees? Do they have strategic-operational balance? Does your executive team over function? Do they lack executive capacity? Do they operate as a singular unit of excellence that consistently represents your most deeply held, collective values? Do they walk their talk in the eyes of employees? Does the team have ongoing conflict? Misalignment? Trust issues? Individuals in executive and senior leadership roles often excel in their subject matter expertise and bury themselves in their own vertical operations. This work focuses on driving horizontal alignment, building trust and a collective identity, and addressing gaps by magnifying team strengths. By enabling a healthy, robust "network of leadership," your team can ignite, focus, and unleash the energies, talents, and resources you already have to deliver the results you want.
"Rob was a trusted confidant who helped me define my own leadership values and style, craft a strategic direction for my team, and navigate the challenges of new leadership and shifting workplace relationships."
Colby Clabaugh
former Executive Director,
PA Governor’s Office of Performance Through Excellence

High-Potential Leader
For those aspiring to C-suite and senior leadership roles
How is your bench strength? The silver tsunami is here. What is your organization doing to prepare its next generation of individuals who will assume senior and executive leadership roles? We go beyond classroom-style "leadership development" to support emerging leaders in learning about and refining their own aspirations and leadership foundation. These individuals are vital to building a healthy, robust network of leadership that is so critical to translating strategy to action and executing transformation plans. We help you to prepare them for a future within your organization.
"Without a doubt my promotion from [front line] staff member to an executive position in just 8 years, and my ongoing success, was due in large part to my ability to navigate relationships using the tools Rob taught me."
Mary W. Fox
Executive Director,
Pennsylvania Ethics Commission

What Guides Us?

We help executive and senior leaders build healthier, better performing organizations that thrive in the face of disruption, transformation, and change.
We aspire to improve the human condition through effective and inspiring leadership that creates a positive, sustainable impact on the lives it touches.
Authenticity: Be your whole self without apology.
Accountability: Show up, pay attention, and own your part.
Courage: Speak truth and do the right thing, even when it's difficult.
Community: We are all in the same boat, so do your part.
Growth: Be better today than you were yesterday.